An Outdated Model

Teacher. Student. It's a model we all know well.
It's also one that on its own, is insufficient for producing the type of learners needed in this modern day business environment.

Which is why our learning experiences are not built around it. Instead, we subscribe to a Learning Lab™ model that is alive, dynamic and full of impact.  Inherent in this model is the understanding that the genius is in the room.  And while we do add some of our knowledge and insight into the mix, mostly our job is to cultivate the intellectual capital that resides in the room -- that resides in your organization.

What We Do
We ask questions.
We listen.
We ask more questions.
We provide opportunities for individuals to learn from each other.
We break-down barriers.

Four Choices
Our learning experiences are divided into four categories:

1. Learning Shorts™ = 1 hour

2. Power-Ups™ = 90 minutes

3. Team Classics™ = 1/2 to full day team building

4. Learning Labs™ = Multiple sessions over time

Take some time to become familiar with our programs & team building offerings and find what topics and timing combinations are right for  you.    

© 2012 DillonMarcus, Executive Retreats